
Karlsruhe Names and Numbers (KNN) is the central instance at KIT for the allocation of DNS domain names. It examines, processes, and approves applications for new assignments or changes, thus ensuring an orderly structure of the kit.edu namespace and controlling it permanently.

KNN cooperates closely with the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), which acts as the sole DNS registrar and administrator for all KIT organizational units in accordance with the resolution of September 25, 2023. Please direct questions about the DNS service at SCC to dns-betrieb∂scc.kit.edu.


Karlsruhe Names and Numbers

knn does-not-exist.kit edu

PS-Beschluss zur Abschaltung alter Subdomains

Hintergrund, Fristen und Informationen


KNN is responsible for the approval of:

  • Domains within the kit.edu namespace - so-called subdomains - e.g. abc.kit.edu
  • Second-level domains, e.g. kit-projekt.de
  • Functional mail addresses directly below kit.edu, e.g., abc does-not-exist.kit edu. (Note: Functional mail addresses associated with a subdomain already approved by KNN, e.g. office@abc.kit.edu, must be requested from the SCC Service Desk ).

KNN is not responsible for the approval of subdomains for new KIT organizational units. In this case, the subdomains are automatically set up by the SCC according to a defined procedure via change management.

Application procedure

The application

  • is made by the management or the IT representative(s) of the requesting institution
  • contains the following information:
    • a) desired domain
    • b) size, task and anchoring of the institution/project to be presented
    • c) Contact person in case of queries
  • answers the following questions:
    • a) What is the significance of the planned KIT Internet presence internally and externally?
    • b) To what extent does it affect the core business of KIT?
    • c) Who is responsible?
    • d) Are there partners for the project? Who is in charge?
    • should be sent by e-mail to knn∂kit.edu.

Please read the regulations for the allocation of DNS domain names before submitting your application.